Enter the world of Tawny Savage
This is a first for me, helping to promote (in my own awkward way) the newest release of Tawny Savage. As a reader who does not read as voraciously as I once did, her writing has renewed my appetite for the written word and has opened a whole nw genre for me to discover, devour, and feast upon.
I invite you to feed your imagination at the abundant banquet spread out by this amazing author.
Tawny Savage is the best selling author of erotic tales designed to bring your darkest fantasies to life.
Her latest book is Bigfoot's Revenge and is the third book of The Bigfoot Chronicles
Here is a small taste of Bigfoot's Revenge
Tawny Savage has always enjoyed reading and writing taboo erotica
that can bring all of our deepest darkest fantasies to life. Her tales aren’t
for the faint of heart and won’t always have the happily ever after
ending. You’ll laugh, cry and want to
beat the hell out of some of her characters and that’s just fine with Tawny.
She’ll help you do it!
I invite you to feed your imagination at the abundant banquet spread out by this amazing author.
Tawny Savage is the best selling author of erotic tales designed to bring your darkest fantasies to life.
Her latest book is Bigfoot's Revenge and is the third book of The Bigfoot Chronicles
Here is a small taste of Bigfoot's Revenge
kept hidden behind one of the massive redwoods on the edge of the small meadow
in order to continue to witness the scene before him. Within moments he became
mesmerized by the strange creatures as they darted back and forth. They
appeared to be playing a game of keep away. Their laughter rang throughout the
clearing. He found it hard to understand how they looked so different and yet
acted like the kids at school. He longed to join in the fun, but afraid he
would be rejected.
like at school.
like at home.
his parents had told him he was going to be a big brother again, his heart
sank. Now they wouldn’t have any need to keep him around. They would have two
sons of their own. He was the adopted one and no one in the Stevens family had
ever let him forget it. Of course his parents had always considered him their
son from the moment they held him in their arms, but his aunts, uncles, cousins
and even his grandparents continued to treat him as an outsider.
previous Christmas, he’d overheard an argument between his dad and uncles. One
of them had demanded to know exactly who his birth parents were so they could
determine if his bloodline was good enough to be included in the Steven’s
“Tommy, you know damn well
we can’t afford to take any chances our family gets tainted by any Squatch
“You were the one who
encouraged me and Janine to ask McNamara to help us. He knows all about the
feud we have with those creatures. Do you really think he’d give us a half
breed to raise as one of our own?”
“He’s a politician. He’ll
say and do anything as long as it makes Jillian Stone happy. That witch has
been nothing but trouble for us since she married the governor’s son.”
“Travis is my son. Period.
I don’t give a shit about your theories about his birth parents. We’ve raised
him as our own all these years. He’s a teenager for Christ’s sake! Not one of you objected when we brought him
home from the hospital.”
“That’s my point! He is a
teenager and looking more and more like one of them every day. He towers over
the rest of the kids and has more hair than all of them combined.”
You know as well as I do
we have just as much Squatch blood in our family tree as anyone in these
“You take that back right
now before I beat the shit out of you. How dare you insult Ma and Pop with
those lies.”
“Boys! Knock it off. There
are too many young ears around. I’ll not have your mother’s Christmas dinner
ruined with all this nonsense. No matter who popped him out, he is and always
will be adopted and not a true Stevens. Let’s just leave it at that.”
had hoped his grandfather would have taken his dad’s side against the others.
The old man had made it crystal clear to everyone where he stood. Instead of
moping around, he decided to find out all he could about the creatures the
Stevens family hated so much.
day he’d hike deeper and deeper into the forest surrounding his home in search
of any clues about the Forest People. He became obsessed with finding out if he
had any connection to them and the answer to one very important question.
Why did my real parents
give me away?
are you?”
jumped and spun around to find himself face to face with one of the most
beautiful beings he’d ever laid eyes upon. She looked human in all ways except
with more body hair—just like him.
brushed her red and blonde bangs from her forehead and smiled. “Are you lost?”
I’ve been looking for you and your people.”
turned to the taller of her companions and spoke a few words in a language
Travis swore he’d heard before and then repeated them in English. “Roanolar.
Tell Shaman we need her assistance. One of the humans has wandered away from
home and needs help.”
didn’t wander away from anywhere. I’m trying to find my family.”
female held his gaze and smiled again. “Very few humans are allowed to get this
close to our village. Who are you, really?”
smiled as a wave of peace washed over him. Something about her smile and her
soft, husky voice calmed his soul. “I don’t know. Maybe you can help me figure
it out.”
already has by sending for me.”
skin flushed from head to toe and his chest constricted. That voice! I know
medicine woman touched his cheek. “You have your mother’s eyes, young one.”
know who he is, Grandmother?” The one called Roanolar stood at her side and
appeared to size him up from head to toe.
turned and walked toward the edge of the clearing. “Come with me, Trrrravis.
I’ve been waiting for your return. We have much to discuss. The rest of you
will say nothing of this to anyone. Taema? Roanolar? Do I have your vow?”
bowed before her. “Yes, Shaman.”
Taema. I love the sound of
her name. Maybe this shaman will be able to tell me about her too. He stepped up his pace in
order to walk by her side. “How did you know my name?”
chuckled and continued on at her brisk pace. “There is very little about you I
don’t know. I’ll answer all your questions as soon as we’re out of sight from
any others. No one else can know of your existence.”
What’s the big secret? I came here to find out who the fuck I am and why I was
given to a family that hates everything about me.”
spun around and hit the center of his chest with her staff. “We had no choice!
You would have died within a few days of your birth if we didn’t send you
there. You will hold the rest of these questions of yours until we have
privacy. Understood?”
cheeks burned with his embarrassment. “Yes, ma’am.”
is my name. Not ma’am.”
was taught not to address my elders by their first name.”
were raised well. If you don’t wish to use my given name, you may address me as
Shaman…or Grandmother.”
stared at her and his mind blanked. His body seemed too heavy to move let alone
She raised one eyebrow and chuckled. “Don’t
look so surprised, child. Who else would know so much about you if not one of
your blood?”
turned and then continued to make her way across the field toward another
cluster of redwoods.
forced his feet to move and followed the rest of the way in silence, too
shocked to form the words to express the conflicting emotions that coursed
through his brain.
Where to get your hands on it (and you know you want to)
Buy Links
Kobo (coming soon)
About the Author

Join her for a ride you'll
never forget! Go ahead and drop a line to her through her publisher www.sassyvixenpublishing.net. Connect
with her on Twitter @Tawny_Savage, Facebook, or check out
her website Erotic Tales from Tawny
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